Mhdb photos & bio     German


. The Mhdb Session Trio: since 2010/12
. Since 2010: Bambulete
. 2005-10: The Open & Virtual Mhdb Band. Mhdb sessions. Metropolises, jazz & percussion
. 1999-2005: The Mhdb Trio. The Mhdb website
. 1994-98: The Mhdb Duo. Mozart had the Blues
. 1993-96: The Scheik Duo
. 1992-93: The Scheik Trio
. 1989-91: Mozart. The Mhdb Percussion Group & Session Band
. 1964-1989: Pre-Mhdb bands. The Esquires (1964-67),  et al.



The Mhdb Session Trio: since 2010/12

The Mhdb Session Trio, image, 2014 (from right to left):

The Mhdb Session Trio, 2014. Thanks to Dieter Bitter (g), The White Shadows


Mhdb post-covid & studio sessions since September 2021

The Mhdb title photo 2020-22

Quarantine solo project 2020-21

Mhdb 2019. Thanks to HNA, Kassel-Live, May 2022

Mhdb 2019

Mhdb 2018

Mhdb acoustic sessions, 2018-

Mhdb 2017

Mhdb 2016

Mhdb 2015

Mhdb 2014

Mhdb 2014

Mhdb 2013

Thanks to Dieter Bitter (g), The White Shadows, 2012

   Mampf, September 2012, Frankfurt/Main, Germany :

" ... Wed, Sept 12, 2012. Mhdb 2012. - Barbara Nespethal (voc, recorders, key), Anton Cik (key, arr) and Wolfgang Billmann (voc, steeldr, dr). Maybe you remember the following performances at the Mampf: 2000 ('Mozart has the blues' = Mhdb, trio: voc-v-g, voc-b, voc-steeld-d), 1997 ('Mozart has the blues', duo: voc-b, voc-steeld-d), 1996 ('Scheik' ~ Sheik, 5/4, duo: sous, steeld-d), 1994 ('Scheik' ~ Sheik, 5/4, duo: sous, steeld-d), 1993 ('Scheik' ~ Sheik, 5/4, quartet: tbn, key, perc, steeld-d). Based on these performances the repertoire of self-created experimental pieces with absurd German lyrics and a few instrumentals has been developed.  ... "   (, September 2012, approximate English translation)

Song examples:

"KarlMarxShuffle" (The Mhdb Session Trio, post-covid session, 2023. 3:40. - 2019. 2014)
   KarlMarxBambulete (Bambulete, atonal & percussive, mp3, updated 2018)
   CharliesShufflete (Bambulete, atonal & percussive, mp3, 2010)
   KarlMarxBambulete live (Quarantine solo project, Bambulete live, video, 2020-21)

"BumerangTrophue" (The Mhdb Session Trio, post-covid session, 2024. 3:24. - 2022. 2014)
   MP3 (The Virtual Mhdb Band, computer-generated, updated 2018)
   BambuleteRangTrophue (Bambulete, atonal & percussive, computer-generated, mp3, updated 2018)
   . BambuleteRangTrophue live (Quarantine solo project, Bambulete live, video, 2020-21)

"BambuleteHatDenBlues 2020-21" (Quarantine solo project, Bambulete live, 2020-21. 6:54)



The Mhdb title photo 2005-20, 2022-

The Mhdb Trio (1999-2005)

The Mhdb Duo (1994-98)

The Scheik Duo (1993-96)

The Esquires (Berlin-West, 1964-67)


The whole Mhdb story (approx. 1960-), theoretical background (texts, arrangements, melodies, chords, measures), and the 20 pre-Mhdb & Mhdb bands: "Mozart had the Blues, The theory, history & prehistory of 'Mozart has the blues' (Mhdb) - or: an amateur drummer's autobiography". By Wolfgang Billmann, Kassel, Germany, 2015 (updated from time to time, 1st ed. 1997), password via



German - Mozart has the blues